She's about 3-4 weeks old here...
Baby Girl was very mobile in her first few weeks! She rolled over at 8 weeks several times (then didn't do it again for a few months), and would "crawl" over her boppy. I found her like this one day. I know she looks uncomfortable, but this sweet content little girl didn't fuss one bit. :)
Baby Girl made transitioning to three kids very easy for us. She is/was a great sleeper, and got up every 4 hours in the middle of the night from the day we came home. There literally was never a night that she fussed and wouldn't go back to sleep. Not one. She would just drift right back off into dreamland. :) And during the day she was content to be in her swing most of the time. During the day she ate every 2 1/2 hours or so, and would sleep most of the other time. She is definitely the "laid-back" third child. So precious and happy!
The Bean started K5 in August as well! This was probably a bigger transition than having another baby. :) We all had to get used to the Bean having to be at school by 8 am EVERY morning. Her school gets out at 11:45 am each day, so I am thankful that I still have my afternoons with the Bean. Next year she'll go until 2:20 pm, so I am trying to soak in every minute till then! She didn't know any of the girls in her class initially, but she has made some good friends. She loves her teacher and continues to do well in school. Kindergarten has been more "academic" than I thought it would be...the Bean has already had two "reports" that she had to research (with help from Mom and the internet, of course), write out (even though it was only two sentences), and present to the class. She is reading all the books they send home, which is amazing to me, since she wasn't reading at all at the beginning of the year. We are so thankful that she enjoys school!
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