*There were other visitors, but I was not as on top of taking pictures this third time around. :)
So it's been a while!! We've been busy. :) I'm going to try to catch up this blog in the coming weeks, so stick with me. The last time I posted was 18 days from my due date...and was thinking that Baby Girl (what I shall call her from here on out...Sissy didn't stick) would be early. I was wrong! She was 4 days late, born on July 16, which happened to be RR's sister's 40th birthday! What a birthday gift. And little Baby Girl is such a gift! But more on that later. Gotta stay in chronological order here. :)
Long story short, I started having contractions about two days before Baby Girl was born, off and on. I went to the doctor's office once when the contractions had been 5-10 minutes apart for a few hours, but of course they slowed down once I got there and they sent me home. I was admitted later that night, about 8 pm on July 15. I was 3 cm when we got to the hospital and it took me forever to get to 4! About 2 am on July 16, I was at about 4 1/2 or so when they gave me an epidural. That sped things up, and Baby Girl arrived around 9 am on July 16. She was 7 lbs, 13 oz and 21" long. (Side note: if any of you received our birth announcement and actually still have it or remember the date on it, ummm, that date was wrong. :) I was in a baby fog and listed her due date on the birth announcement, not her birth date. Oh well.) Baby Girl was perfectly healthy and adorable, and we were all so thankful for a healthy baby and delivery!
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