Where did my baby go?? Bubs is 17 months now, and he wants to be a big kid like his sister. If the Bean colors, he wants to color. If the Bean gets to sit in a big girl chair, then Bubs wants nothing to do with his booster seat! If the Bean doesn't wear a bib, then Bubs doesn't want one either...you get the picture. His latest thing is to sing the "Hot Dog" song. If any of you watch the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse then you know the song. We've only watched it a few times, but man, that Hot Dog song is catchy!! So we like to sing it. Basically Bubs just sings "dot dog dot dog dot dog" over and over...quite heartily, might I add. He is climbing on everything and getting up and down the stairs quite well. Here are a few pics of Bubs trying to be a big kid like his sister, along with just some generally cute pics...
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