Story #1: The Spectacle
The Bean and I were in Chick-fil-a the other night b/c RR had to work late...we were having a girls night out. :) (FYI, the Chick-fil-a on 280 in the 'ham has Family Night every Tuesday night, and when you buy an adult combo, you get a 4 pc kids meal free. Even through the drive-thru!) So there we were eating our dinner. I traded in her kids toy for an ice cream, (Also something Chick-fil-a does.) and we were about to head home. When I picked her up from her high chair, the back of her pants were soaked. And from the smell, it wasn't #1. So I took her to the bathroom to change her diaper and clean her up. Without being too gross, let's just say that I knew I couldn't put her back into her clothes...even her socks. And of course, I didn't have a change of clothes for her in her diaper bag. So I get her cleaned up, put her in her cardigan sweater (thank goodness it was cold that day and I had her in layers) and her shoes (no socks) and her diaper. I went to the counter and asked for a bag to put her clothes in, and the two of us walked out to the and my pregnant self w/ a peg leg to boot, and the Bean w/ her diaper and naked legs for all to see. What a spectacle. :)
Story #2: The Near Calamity
Today at church it was just the Bean and I, so we go to get in the car after church and of course, I put her in first and shut the door. But b/c she was squirmy, I just let her crawl around the back seat instead of strapping her into her car seat while I hobbled around to the other side to strap her in. When I got to the other side, I realized that she had locked the doors. And of course, I'd already thrown my keys into the driver's seat and tossed my purse (w/ my phone) into the passenger seat. And since I'm so slow these days, it was 12:40 pm and the parking lot was pretty much cleared out. So what's a pregnant-broke-kneed mom to do when her child locks herself in the car??? I looked around for someone w/ a phone, and there was no one, so I started trying to instruct the Bean on how to open the door from the inside. She actually tried to pull the knob several times, but couldn't quite get it. Finally a friend (w/ four kids of her own in tow and no hubby w/ her that morning either) walked by, and I told her to call RR. But he didn't answer his phone b/c he didn't recognize the number. So I tried again: I told the Bean to go to the front seat and push the button on Mama's keys. So she did, but instead of pushing the unlock button on the keys, she takes the key and tries to stick it in the window to get the door open. By this time her little cheeks are turning red b/c it's 70 degrees outside and hot in the car. So I told her to try the knob thing on the front door, and voila!! It worked!! The moral of the story: always have some way of unlocking your car on your person at all times. Or hope your 18-month-old follows instructions as well as mine did today!