Not that you'll zoom in on this one, but Bubs has a distressed "I-see-Mama-and-she's-not-picking-me-up" kind of look on his face.
Both Bubs and the Bean are in both Mother's Day Out this year, which is SO nice! They are both doing one day a week, and they both love it. Bubs cried a little on his first day, and as you can see from the pic, I tried to go back and take a "first day" pic very inconspicuously. It didn't work. The Bean had no problems leaving Mama as usual. Mama has no problem leaving the Bean and Bubs either. :) The Bean's class is learning Psalm 100 this year, and so far she's got "Make a joyful noise" down pat! They learn; they have fun; I'm happy; they're happy. Ahhh...I love Mother's Day Out!!